So, it has been four months since the worlds end…change…whatever. I never said that the world was ending. i DID say over and over and over that 12/21/12 was going to be a major nexus point for all of humanity. 

If you know Mayan history then you should know that a MAJOR reason that Hernan Cortez and 300 soldiers conquered the new world was due to Aztec knowledge about the future. when the great Aztec leader Montezuma was told about the arrival of strange floating ships (the Spanish under Cortez) he was afraid that it was actually the arrival of their  God Kublican. Fortune tellers  had foretold of his arrival years before. And what do you know…on the EXACT date, foretold HUNDREDS of years earlier, a bearded, white guy shows up. Yes…Kublican was a bearded white guy. Montezuma was afraid that unless he capitulated, this God would crush him.It wasn’t until Montezuma saw that this new God LOVED gold that he became very suspicious of these new arrivals. Cortez went on to enslave millions in the new world in what is now Mexico.

  What has any of this to do with 12/21/13???  Seems to me that if they could foretell Cortez and his arrival then maybe they knew much, much more.

  All  I do know is that we WILL SEE some strange and bizarre events unfurl in  next 5 years. What they may be is not my knowledge. But I do see that our  is changing faster and faster and it may be that next week….next month….next YEAR something BIG will happen and will leave us all in awe and /  or complete confusion.

For this blog, I am going to ask you to go to the following link:    I will refrain from boring you with my writing on this blog.(well, not really, but sort of!!) If the preceding link doesn’t wake us up a little bit then NOTHING is going to. At one point on the afore mentioned “You Tube” video link they are showing a news broadcast and the announcer says that we are being short-changed by the world’s news services. That statement is 100% true as they are NOT reporting the entire story. Earthquakes are occurring with more frequency than ever before. Watch the small part about the object that was seen on our sun. Whatever that was, it literally gave me CHILLS. I don’t know why but it really shook me up. Why is NONE of this being shown on national news networks???

I have a theory for that as well (yes, I have a theory for damn near everything). It is clear to me that if the average person was to see all of the strange, unheard of, unseen anomalies that have been happening then most of us would be DEMANDING answers. I have no doubts that our government and the governments of the world probably know what is about to happen. They are keeping quiet as they do not want to cause panic. And they look at us, the average people of the world, as stupid children.

In case you have not heard, there are people and communities around North America that have been witnessing strange, unknown sounds late at night. At least 15 states in this country and several  provinces in Canada have reported these noises plus many South American countries. There are now even parts of Europe reporting this same, unknown noise. I have been hearing them for over three months now and the noise only occurs late at night when it is perfectly still and there are no other sounds or noise. There seems to be no pattern as to which day of the week I hear it. I now go outside every night almost hourly. I have never been a deep sleeper so getting up every hour is no big deal. As soon as I lay back down I am back asleep.

The noise is a deep rumble that I can feel as well as hear. It reminds me of the sound our empty, flat rail cars used to make when I worked at a concrete pipe manufacturing company. After the pipe were made they would be placed upon flat railroad cars that ran on tracks that went the length of massive, drying kilns, approximately 150 yards long and about 30 yards high. When the cars were pushed into the kiln, they made a low rumble that would severely hurt your ears without protection. The noise I hear on some nights sounds almost exactly the same. There is no heavy industry anywhere near my house. There are no railroad cars that run at night in this county since the night shift ended at the Simpson Timber plywood plant.

Each and every person should go out late at night and listen. If you don’t hear anything the first time then keep trying. If anyone hears ANYTHING OUT OF THE ORDINARY, PLEASE CONTACT ME AT THIS BLOG.

It is obvious to me that we are getting closer and closer to some kind of event that might start explaining things. Then again, we may never, ever know what is the cause of all the strange events that have been occurring with greater and greater frequency. Just remember, for every strange event we hear of there are probably TEN MORE that have happened that we don’t know about. And if the government knows what is going on (like in several towns in northern Wisconsin…unexplained, late night noises and shaking in the ground) they are not talking. It is high time they start telling us what is about to happen.

In my last blog I spoke of my experience concerning a UFO. I know what I saw that night, I just DON’T know what the hell it was. It certainly happened as I have taped evidence and on that same weekend there were others people in the South Sound area that saw a similar light. After they printed the story in the local paper I received no less than a half-dozen phone calls from area residents. Some I hoped would never call me again as they seemed either very strange or they had some kind of an agenda to push upon me. However, two callers (separate incidents) happened to see basically the same type object on the exact same night. I do not purport to know if it was a craft of alien beings. All I DO KNOW is that it was an Unidintified Flying Object.

When I truly examine the question of whether or not we are being visited; here is how I see it. Part of me believes that chances are overwhelmingly HIGH that our planet is being visited by beings from somewhere other than earth. The odds of life existing elsewhere is too high for me to ignore. If you consider that there are MORE GALAXIES IN THE UNIVERSE THAN THERE ARE GRAINS OF SAND ON EARTH! With that many galaxies there almost has to be life and a LOT of it. A few years ago there was a picture published by NASA, taken from the Hubble Telescope. It showed a distant image of what at first appears to be millions upon millions of distant stars. However, when you zoom in on the “stars” most of them turn out to be entire GALAXIES. So remember that the next time you are looking at the night sky. Every one of those tiny dots is not necessarily a star: many of them are galaxies. Do yourself a favor sometime and go look at the night sky somewhere that is not bathed in light. Since Thomas Edison gave us the light bulb we have lost the beauty of the night sky. Most people these days have never even seen what the sky REALLY looks like at night as we have bathed everything in light.

Another reason I am a firm believer in alien visitation is due to the sheer number of  people who claim to have seen something. During the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo space programs our astronauts reported seeing lights and objects on a REGULAR BASIS. All of this has been hid from us but enough has leaked out that it is clear that our spaceships were watched from day one. There were SEVERAL cases of the orbiting craft to be followed or shadowed the entire time they were up there. NASA tried keeping a lid on things and denies it to this day. But when you consider that pilots are TRAINED OBSERVERS it is hard to think that they were watching “venus” or any of the other idiotic replacements that we have been given over the years. Swamp Gas. Light refraction. Flying geese. Low flying aircraft. And on and on and on. Some of their replacement excuses are an insult to our intelligence.

I have much to say on this subject and I will continue with more in my next blog. In the meantime, I want you to honestly consider that there is video evidence and the statements of countless people (in the THOUSANDS) that witnessed a flying vehicle of some kind that was PROBALY not from this planet. If you want proof I will supply it. And for whatever reasons, it seems that sightings have SKYROCKETED in the last two years. Here is a list of places and dates where large lights or multiple lights were witnessed by countless numbers of people. Mexico City leads the list with mass sightings starting in 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and already this year. I am sure that I am not the only person that finds it odd that the seemingly capital city of sightings is ALSO the same home of the ancient Aztecs and their predecessors…..The Mayan. Lima, Peru-2009…..New York City-2010….Taipei, Taiwan-2010….Moscow, Russia-2009….Romania-2010….Austrailia-2011….New Zealand-2010…..Norway-2009…..India-2009……Japan-2010…..Bogata, Columbia-2010….China-2010 (the Jao Shang airport was completely shut down to all flights for over 8 hours because of an object that was flying around the area….witnessed by THOUSANDS and clearly seen on area radar stations )…..even the Hubble telescope shot images in 2010 although they will not release them. Lastly we have the most impressive video of all of them (in my opinion) Jerusalem, late 2011. This event was seen by thousands of people. The tape I saw shows a large, bright light that slowly descends and sits just above the Dome of The Rock (one of the holiest sites to all Moslems…it houses a rock that was the altar that Abraham used to sacrifice his only son Issac, to God, and is an important religious site to Jews, Muslems, and Christians) The bright light hovers over the top ofthe Dome for several minutes and then shoots upward and disappears in a flash. All of the above mentioned dates and places have had similar events and are recorded from multiple viewers. Log on to “You Tube” and see for yourself. SOMETHING COULD BE ABOUT TO HAPPEN!!!

Whatever may happen in the coming years is up for debate of course. By writing this blog it is my goal to foster debate about this subject in everyone that reads this. For whatever reason, most people are reticent to discuss ANY of this. Either people are afraid of being labeled crazy or they will never admit that we are not the masters of this world and universe. The thought that we might be an insignificant species is just too hard for most people to handle. When you look at all the evidence, truly look at things like Crop Circles, then it becomes more and more apparent that we are not alone and that we are possibly  about to learn just what has really been going on. It is obvious that the governments of the world KNOW WAY MORE THAN THEY ARE TELLING US.

Whether or not any or all of this is related to what is about to happen on earth remains to be seen. I for one think that both events are linked hand in hand and we will know the who, what, why, and when soon enough. When that knowledge is revealed, then be prepared for just about ANYTHING to happen.

The time is here for me to start writing again  and I am hoping that I have the motivation and a fair amount of subjects to investigate. Actually, there is an endless  geyser of subjects, themes, people, time periods and related articles that look at the year 2012 and everything attached to it. The most obvious subject matter concerning an apocalyptic end to 2012 could easily concern the presence of aliens. Yes, little green men from Mars or beyond. The question of whether they even exist has been floating just around the corner of mainstream America for AT LEAST fifty years. 


     This subject is very, VERY important at this point in time. Why you ask? Because so much of what could be about to happen might easily be manipulated by alien beings. If they are from a far off planet then they are obviously light years ahead of us in technology. If we were to have an aggressive relationship (our past performances HIGHLY point to this outcome) with alien visitors then we will be in deep trouble. Our civilization would fare about as poorly as a group of hunter/gatherers would against a modern troop of soldiers. The technology difference would be so far apart that any fight would be unfair and lopsided from the opening punch. In fact, that is all there would likely be….an opening salvo….THEIRS!!. The fight would be over before it started due to the mismatch of weaponry and technologies.

       I will take you back to the late night hours of July of 1996, outside on my deck at approximately 3:00 AM. Once you see things from my vantage point you MIGHT more easily believe in their existence.

      I took my Pomeranian outside to go potty and as he was sniffing around I happened to notice a light in the sky that looked to be very bright. It was so  bright that it caught my attention and the more I watched it the more I decided that it DID NOT BELONG THERE. I went inside, put the dog in his bed, retrieved my video camera, and proceeded to film the object. To this day, I still have over 12 minutes of a very strange,  bright, rotating object that moves left and right, up and down, forward and backward.

     The part of this experience that remains with me to this day was a maneuver it performed that scared me to my very core. The light, or rotating ball, or whatever it was started going up and down in relation to the horizon. It stayed the same size even though it was going up and down and left and right. I had been standing there for what seemed like hours (in reality, maybe five minutes) and was starting to get a little complacent. Part of this may have been due to the fact that it was past 3:00 AM in the morning and all of this had started after I woke up from a deep sleep. None of that really mattered when suddenly this object started to get bigger and bigger. It was moving straight towards me a high rate of speed. For those brief instants, every cell in my body was awake and alert and I was scared on a level I have never reached before or since. Finally, it stopped, went backwards again (away from me) and came to a rest on the far horizon. It stayed at that same position until after my camera died.  I stood and watched it until it just vanished. Poof….gone in a flash and I stood there wondering if ANY OF IT HAD HAPPENED. 

     Since then I have seen many other short film clips that are very similar and the  rotating, spinning type light always looks almost exactly the same as that which I captured. I was so shaken from what I had captured on film that I took the footage to the county sheriffs department. About a half-dozen officers watched with me and they all agreed that I had seen SOMETHING THAT WAS NOT FROM THIS WORLD. The local paper heard about it and there were a few stories written about it over the next couple of weeks.

     Eventually I recieved a phone call from a man who said he worked for a government agency that investigated sightings like mine. He gave me his name and asked if I would send him the tape. I made a copy of the tape and sent it to him.  A few weeks went by and he called back. When he first called he was a nice, friendly guy. On his return call, he was surly, antagonistic, and very argumentative. He told me that all I had was a tape of the planet Venus. He highly suggested that I forget the incident and throw away any tapes I had of it. When I pointed out the fact that MUFON had come to my house and investigated he became VERY agitated. He kept telling me over and over that I had filmed the planet Venus. PERIOD. The couple from MUFON had me take them outside and point out where I saw it. When I showed them the place I stood and the direction I faced they were convinced that it was NOT Venus.

    Look for the rest of my story in the coming days. I have some things you will be very surprised to learn and I can point out some web sites that will completely shake you up. IF just a small portion of these are real then we have not only been visited, we are in the midst of a full scale invasion of sorts.



Over the years I have read almost every “end of the world” book, story, novel,  or whatever that I could get my hands on. This started in high school and continues to this day. I have no clue why other than the fact that I have always enjoyed the subject matter. One of the many constant themes I have come across is about todays subject.

G-H-O-S-T!  Not just ghost per se, but rather the following fact…… One of the ways we would all know that mankind’s time was running short was a huge increase in the spiritual realm and that of ghost, spirits, doppelgänger, boogeymen, and only God knows whatever else may be out there. I know that ten years ago I personally thought that ghost were not real. That has changed, I assure you, as I have had first hand experiences with SOMETHING. I also know that ten years ago there was  only a few movies on this subject matter and they were usually lame comedies such as the 1980’s blockbuster Ghost Busters.

Today however, you can not turn on the television without finding a half-dozen mainstream, weekly programs that look at the existence and reality of ghost. Some of them are really good and can make you a bit apprehensive about dark nights alone in your own home. Others are a waste of time but as is always the case with television, most of it is just that…a total waste of time. Regardless, there are enough books, shows, movies, ect…out there to make me wonder just what the hell is going on.

In my own life, there is SOMETHING going on in my own home. In the past, it started out with my daughter constantly saying that she saw vague shadows out of the corner of her eye. Then my wife started seeing the same thing. In the past year things have started to heat up as I too have started seeing, hearing, and now SMELLING things. I will tell each in its order.

First, we started having select items disappear for a few days and then strangely reappear. They are almost always red in color. They are usually small things of little value or consequence and it starts with one of us looking for a personal belonging. We will all join in the search and nobody can find what is missing. Three days later, or two, or five, the item will suddenly be laying in plain sight or in a locale that we have all looked at.

I could go on for quite some time on the strange, unexplainable things that have occurred in our house in the last ten years.  They are increasing, that is for certain. More  importantly, they have started happening to me, a very cynical unbeliever. UNTIL NOW.

Last month I was leaning over my dishwasher and I felt a hand on my lower back. When I turned around and saw nobody, I was truly alarmed. It was very unnerving to say the least. Go ahead, laugh all you want, I KNOW what I felt. The most recent activity and the reason I finally decided to broach this subject is due to the odors I keep smelling.  Yes…odors!! For years I have routinely woke up every night at 3:00AM. It is a VERY RARE night that this does not happen and I will wake up and use the time to use the bathroom. Now, when I wake at this time, I have been smelling one of two different odors. I will either smell something very foul or I will smell cigarette smoke.

I have many pets in my home and I first thought one of the animals were leaving a calling card for me to find.  Search as I may, there is never any poop that I can find. The smell is always in the same area of the house and ten minutes later it will be gone. The same goes for the cigarette smoke. My wife despises smoking and NOBODY ever smokes in this house. EVER. Yet I will walk down the hallway and BAM !!!!….there is the smell of a cigarette. Just like somebody just lit one up.

I have NO CLUE what any of this means nor do I know if any of it HAS a purpose. For you that have never had a run in with spirits, hoo-doos or whatever you want to call them, I am sure you are shaking your heads and wondering if I have a prescription for medical marijuana. No, I do not have any pot nor do I drink. I do know that all of this has really got me shaken up. I also know that at first I thought it was all  a bunch of imaginative people seeing or hearing things until it started to directly involve me.

I am convinced, more than ever, that mankind is about to face his biggest challenge as a species. And I am also convinced that if you look and listen hard enough, you will see that there is something going on in the spiritual realm. Whether or not they are trying to scare us or warn us is the main question that I would like answered.

     In my next blog I am going to continue with this theme. I will also explore more of my thoughts and theories, however cockeyed and lame they may seem. It would be really good to have some feedback and YOUR thoughts on any or all of this subject matter. THERE IS A STORM COMING AND IT WILL AFFECT ONE HUNDRED PERCENT OF MANKIND. IT IS MY OPINION THAT THIS COMING STORM WILL BE ONE OF A SUPERNATURAL NATURE……more tomorrow!!

Yes, readers, I am back once again for good or for bad. Writing is a funny thing, sometimes there is so much that can be said that it is literally popping out from my head. Other times, which can last for days, weeks, months, and sometimes even years, there is absolutely NOTHING to be said, discussed, talked about, or examined. Some of the worlds greatest writers (which I am most decidedly NOT amongst) go through periods of writers block. For those of you that have suffered from colon and digestive problems, this problem is VERY similar to that. Things get blocked up in both cases and once they do it gets really difficult to free the obstruction. And in both cases there are tricks to free the obstruction and I can truthfully say that I have experienced both.

Having said all that trivial hubris, I will begin with what has been really bothering me. Imagine that tomorrow morning we all picked up the newspaper (how many of you still even read a daily paper???), saw the news on television, or read it in an online news provider, and we learned that our government was making some mandatory demands upon all citizens of the United States of America. From now on each and every American over the age of eight year old was required to produce the following things:

Each of us had to write a complete and comprehensive biography of our entire lives. We were to include all statistical information such as height, weight, date of birth, place of birth, ect… In addition we were to include a current photograph of ourselves. This biography was to also include our likes and dislikes and each of us was required to add a new posting every day. If that was not enough, there was another section that we filled out and in it we were told to mark down everywhere we had ever visited. The town, city, state, and country were all required. Also, we were to eventually include every park, tourist attraction, historic site, and vacation spot on this virtual map. Basically, we were to record every locale we had ever been to. The last section (for now)  asked all of us to list our current reading material and every time we read a book, magazine, trade journal, or newspaper, were required to list it.

     I don’t know about you, but IF something like this was to happen I would find it so repulsive and intrusive that I would fight it every step of the way. Why would anyone want all of that information? So that our government could follow each and every one of us? It would reek of a government that is increasingly more paranoid and uses the excuse of terrorism. If something like this was to occur, we have allowed it to happen. It has taken over a decade but in that ten plus years we have lost more and more liberties and freedoms and for what end? Are we any better than we were before 9/11? Any safer?

      If you haven’t figured it out, what I have described above has already happened. Each and every one of us that has a Facebook account is doing what we would NEVER, EVER do if our government REQUIRED us to do it. I personally have a Facebook account but I am not very good at filling it out and I check it about twice a month. That is NOT a judgement on anyone else. If you are an avid Facebook user than that is your prerogative and whether or not you do it is NONE of my business.

      The reason I wrote this little blog is that I want the readers to think of the ramifications of the entire country posting all of our personal information. To me it will make the job of Big Brother so much easier if and when he wants to take over our lives completely. Without a single voice of opposition, we have supplied the government with everything it needs to turn the country into a giant concentration camp. Go ahead and laugh. Call me a paranoid fool and idiot. Just remember that this kind of thing has occurred many, many times in the past. To name just a few………. South Africa during the Boer War at the turn of the 20th century……Nazi Germany during the 1930’s and into the 1940’s……. And as they always say….”History always repeats itself”       

I am sitting a home for the second straight day as we are in the midst of a monstrous snow storm. This region (the Pacific Northwest) is known for rain, not snow. When we do get a snow event it shows how vulnerable our modern society is to interruptions. Granted, this current storm is one of the biggest in recent times. However, even a small snow storm usually brings this region to its knees. A few years ago there was an area that was hit with ice and snow and wind just when the evening commute started. By the next morning, that area of freeway was littered with hundreds and hundreds of cars. People just parked them and got out and walked. They just left their cars in the travel lanes in many cases.

What are we going to do when we gt hit with a real catastrophe? Don’t get me wrong, this is a bad storm and for those without power it will go down in memory as the worst ever. Due to the falling trees, the power crews are unable to fix broken lines. We have had over 24 hours of a freaky event known as “freezing rain”. This is different than any other cold weather precipitation and is actually quite rare. To have it occur in such a large area (the entire south section of Puget Sound) for such a long time is UNHEARD OF!! There is warm air (higher than freezing) above the ground level of cold air. When the clouds release their moisture and it falls as rain, it turns to frozen water when it hits the ground or whatever object it lands on. That leaves EVERYTHING with a coating of ice, including every single tree and plant. The trees start leaning due to the increased weight and the limbs start snapping like shot-gun blast. People will die in this event and that makes it quite bad if you are one whose fate leaves you under a falling tree.

My main point is this…..what are we going to do when the ENTIRE NORTHWEST shuts down due to a 9.0 earthquake? How will we get by when we are out of power for 6 weeks? 6 MONTHS??? It scares the hell out of me to imagine how quickly many people will fall apart in such an emergency. There is an old saying that says that total chaos will erupt when we all miss three meals. We are only three meals away from anarchy as a people. That is a disconcerting thought.

If you want to get through a unseeable, future event (the list of those is the byline of a future blog) then you must start stockpiling food, water, and necessities. There is no other way to get by in something worse than we are witnessing right now. Unless you want to rely on government rationed food then you need to start putting things away for what may be right around the corner. We could face a life that is nothing more than a survival race and that future could be right around the next corner.

Yes folks, I’m back to writing. Whether or not it is worth a bag of doggie-doo is up to you I suppose. The reason for my long absence is complicated. First of all, I lost focus on what I was trying to impart to my readers. However, the biggest reason for my sabbatical was self-doubt. I read some of my postings and I was amazed, completely and utterly amazed, that I had a single reader. Looking at my work with a critical eye makes it look like sophomoric crap. Crap with a capital ‘C’. I suppose that all writers go through this at some point but I haven’t been able to find too many things that I wrote about and could be proud of. I shall attempt to repair those errors and as the old saying goes……”time shall tell.”

Since we recently turned the corner of the calendar (under the pretext that all of us share the same calendar) it seems that there could be no better time to write and ponder and examine (re-examine??) this subject matter. The year 2012 is one week old already and according to popular lore, this could be the last year of mankind’s existence on this planet. I am NOT of this school of thought. In case you didn’t read that or have blurry vision, let me repeat it…..I AM NOT A PROPONENT OF THIS THEORY. I do NOT think that we will witness the demise of humanity or anything close to it. I DO THINK that we could easily see the start of our species biggest change yet. Why do I think this?

In the coming days, weeks, and months I will attempt to prove to you what I already believe. It is my belief and contention that we have come to a cross roads of sorts and the only thing that CAN happen is change for the better. We have to alter the way we do everything or we stand to lose most if not all of our gains that we have made in the last couple hundred years. If you look at how mankind lived at the turn of the last century, it was not vastly different from the way we lived for several thousand years. The industrial revolution approximately started in the 1830’s and our journey since then has proceeded at a rate that is astonishing. We have gone from the horse and buggy to landing upon the moon in less than one hundred years. If you had told any person alive in 1900 that we would have a man standing on the moon in sixty-nine years they would have committed you to an insane asylum. Quite simply, mankind is suffering from a very, VERY bad case of growing pains.

It is primarily due to this change that we find mankind in his current state. In my next blogs I will explain my thoughts on this in greater detail. One thing I found wrong with my last set of blogs was the fact that they were much too long. Therefore, from now on I will keep things as brief as possible. Hopefully, you will enjoy reading them that much more. In fact, I hope that you will like reading these so much that you will pass this address on to everyone you know. That being said, thank you for reading this and look for more of my wit and wisdom in the coming weeks.  There is always another chapter on this, our EARTHTREMBLING!

First a small history lesson. One of Spain’s most ruthless leaders and explorers during the ‘Age of Exploration’ was Hernan Cortez, a minor figure in Spain. In the early 1500’s he traveled the known world and ended up in present day Cuba. Through his ruthless ambition he eventually became the Governor of this newest conquest of Spain. Remember, at this time in European history, Spain was the worlds largest super power. Cortez talked his way into getting control of a group of ships and he set out for the newly found country of Mexico. It had been spotted but not explored the year before by a small known figure. So in 1519, with the Queens blessing, Cortes landed his ships on the shores of Mexico and eventually fought his way inland to the city of Tenochtitlan, or present day Mexico City.

Living there at the time was a civilization that easily measured up to anything in the old world. This was a civilization that was flourishing and had been for over a thousand years. Here is where things get a little scary and weird. How much is fact and how much is fiction has been debated for hundreds of years. The Aztecs had a God called Kublican (varied spellings are found) who had been a mortal man who had white skin, facial hair, and other attributes that could be mistaken for those of any European at the time. He left the shores of Mexico and promised to someday return. The priest had decided through various means that he would return in the European year of 1519. He had been absent for several centuries and it is very, VERY strange to me that the two civilizations had such intersecting destinies.

For in the year 1519, scouts returned to Tenochtitlan with astonishing news for their ruler, Montezuma (spellings are varied for his name as well). As predicted, the God Kublican had arrived on the shore with a house that flew. They were looking at a Spanish Galleon with full sails, something they had never seen before. On this ship was 300 men, their horses, weapons, and leader Cortez. Montezuma was taken back as he was afraid that if he didn’t play his cards just right, the God Kublican would punish him and his people.

Cortez stumbled into a situation that he soon used to his own advantage. To spur his men on, he actually had all of his ships burned in the harbor. The conquesting men now knew that they either take control over the entire country and at least a million people or they would die as they had no escape back to Cuba and Spain. Montezuma made many, many mistakes. First and foremost was his mistaking Cortez for Kublican. Eventually, through disease (small pox) and battle, Cortez took control of the Aztec people and eventually the entire new world.

That the Aztecs KNEW of his arrival is astonishing. The Catholic church  burned almost every writing they could find and so our knowledge of the true thoughts and history of the Aztecs is very limited. We do know that for many years they mistook Cortez for their God Kublican. Somehow they had knowledge that Kublican was returning. Here is where MY theory steps in.

What IF……they also knew that in 2012, another visitor, a God if you will, would be landing in Mexico? What if THAT is why the calendar ends so abruptly. The Aztecs had knowledge of stars, the cosmos, and other matters that seem far beyond their possible scope. What if they foresaw that in the coming year, 2012 according to our calendar, we would greet a newcomer? Since we know that every country on our planet is spoken for, this new comer would have to be……….from another planet.

Sound far-fetched??? Of course it does, I will be the first to admit it. But when you consider that they had it right in 1519, it is a little less so. What if, during December of 2012, a scant 16 months from now, our planet plays host to a new visitor? That visitor would have to be the proverbial alien, the little green man. I know it sounds way to fantastic to possibly be true but when you look at all the strange things that have been occurring, when you consider the number of people who claim to have been abducted, when you look at crop circles……the story becomes a bit easier top swallow. My version of things makes a bit of sense when viewed with what has already happened 500 years ago and what is happening as we speak. If it does go down in this way then we will truly see an EARTHTREMBLING!

On a side bar, remember that the Aztec and the Mayan shared many of the same Gods, beliefs, customs, and sciences. They had a very close relationship and one cannot speak of one culture without including the other. Both groups of people’s used the same basic calendar and so when we speak of the Mayan calendar and their predictions scheduled for December, 2012, we must also include their first cousins, the mighty Aztec. Both groups fell prey to Spain, Cortez, and the Catholic church. The present inhabitants of Central America and Mexico are a mixture of the Spanish conquerors and the natives that lived there for thousands of years. When considering this theory of mine I have also taken into consideration the fact that Mexico in particular has always been a hot bed of UFO sightings and their culture has been sighting strange craft for hundreds and hundreds of years. Perhaps this is because the coming race of aliens know that their “ground zero” will be Mexico.

All right, I will be right up front about this. Three weeks ago, after a series of very disturbing dreams, I came out with a public declaration of what my dreams might mean. To refresh memories or to inform anyone that didn’t have the pleasure of reading that blog, my dreams involved a very vague view of the world around me. However, everything I looked at was furiously shaking. I will not go into more detail as it is almost impossible to descibe what our dreams consist of. I was unable to figure out the meaning of these dreams at first because in addition to a lot of shaking there was a flashing, neon-looking sign that was the numbers SEVEN & TWENTY-NINE. After much consternation I decided that the shaking represented an earthquake. A really BIG earthquake. It was odd because there was little or no damage due to this nonstop shaking. I also assumed that things would happen at 7:29. I wasn’t sure if it was in the morning or at night.

Then it hit me……… wasn’t the TIME OF DAY, it was the DATE of July 29. OK. So my date was wrong but not by much. The crash of our stock market occurred exactly one week later. And OK, it wasn’t a physical earthquake. It was a financial earthquake. Since the announcement from our most esteemed elected officials that they had reached an accord, everything has gone down hill. The Standard & Poor represenatives said that regardless of congress and the senate agreeing with president Obama, they would still remove this countries triple AAA credit rating. Which means that interest rates are SUPPOSED to go climbing upward. The latest from DC is that the Fed (the folks that really control the flow of our money) will keep rates low. Which means they are playing with the main ingredient of our free market system. On paper, the market will dictate how things pan out. But if we artificially tinker with things now, we WILL PAY LATER!! Or, in my opinion, the Fed is playing God again so their buddies that run our banks don’t lose any money. Everytime it looks as though we might get out of this mess, Mr. Greed rears his ugly head and that ALWAYS leads to bad things happening. If we had ANY BALLS as a people would scream at the top of our lungs and DEMAND change. Not just another bandaid, but a complete sweeping of our entire system. The folks in London and other areas of the United Kingdom are telling the world that they will not stand for more lies, greed, and protection of only the rich.

Instead of making you read more of my endless ranting, I will get down to the gist of the matter. Here is what I think all of this is leading to. First, we are going to see our economy slowly deflate and prices will rise. Interest rates will have to eventually go up and then the housing market will go from bad to horrendous. That could lead to rioting. Or worse….MUCH, MUCH WORSE!  As I have said on several occasions….any society is only three meals from anarchy. Think about that one. If all of us miss three meals, then the stakes change drastically. Considering very few of us have ever known hunger, that figure could turn into just TWO MEALS. I know that when I miss a few meals and get hungry I turn into a cranky old crab. I can’t even imagine what it might be to face having an empty cupboard for days on end. Which is exactly what the exploited populace has been enduring for years in Somalia. In case you didn’t see THAT little piece of news, things have gone from nightmarish to beyond comprehension. Seeing pictures of skeletal children is always hard. The pictures I just looked at were probably the worse I have ever seen. The 15 year draught that has destroyed that area of Africa (the Horn) is now to the point of no return. Things are so bad that unless something is done soon, we will witness the deaths of untold millions. For that matter, it is probably already much too late and this famine could easily wipe out an entire generation. For years we have poured food and international aid into this area to help. But, good old MR. Greed (in the form of evil war lords) have seen to it that most of the food either rots on the docks or is sold to people who don’t need it as badly. Regardless of the mechanics of how the food is NOT distibuted, it is completely due to the evil and corrupt leaders who have caused this disaster and it is always uglier when we witness an ethnic group wiped out by their OWN PEOPLE.

Oy Vey! Always with the preaching!!! Sorry, but it just really shames me to see human beings in the year 2011 still acting like jackals. These people will kill anyone to stay in power. Perhaps it is a bit harsh to sit in America and judge the ring leaders in Africa. I didn’t grow up seeing everyone in my family starving to death. Whenever death and disease surrounds people, they either rise to the occasion and show the finest in human behavior or they turn into evil, manipulating monsters that will do anything to survive. Some where along the line they lost all empathy for their fellow-man. I could continue explaining everything bad that is happening right now  somewhere on the globe, but why? It just gets so depressing. We have simple solutions staring us in the face and yet we don’t even talk about them. It seems to me that our current economical mess started with Bush sending us to every hot spot on the globe. It is time we DRASTICALLY cut the budget of our country’s military because the amount we spend each day is obscene. And NO, I do not think we will be in any more danger by cutting 200-300 BILLION DOLLARS from our militaries budget. While I realize that things are not that easy to fix, unless we start somewhere, we will no go anywhere!

To finish this blog I will explain what I think could easily occur soon. We will soon (heck, we are already there in all probability) be in the position to follow a leader that is charismatic and has solutions to our problems. That is exactly how evil could quickly sit into the most powerful seat in the world. If the economy keep falling, like I am almost sure it will, then we will be in the dubious position to agree to a paperless, world-wide monetary system. Do you see where I am going with this???? Of course you do! Do the words Book of Revelation mean anything? How about the antichrist? Unfortunately, I can see so many bad implications coming from the events of the last week. I have said all along that I strongly felt that things would take a turn for the worse THIS SUMMER.

It remains to be seen that anything at all will happen on December 21,2012. It could be the date when the worse is over and we start seeing daylight. I am afraid that we are going to see things get much, much worse, WORLDWIDE, and the starting date was August 5, 2011. At this point it matters little as to the start date. What DOES matter will be the end date. That is IF there is an end date to all of this. But the more I see of what is going on around the world, the more I see of how greedy and evil humans can be, the more I am sure that we are about to witness the failure of our entire society.

WE CANNOT CONTINUE ON OUR PRESENT COURSE. LETS FACE IT, WE HAVE FOULED OUR NEST, WE HAVE EXPLOITED THE PLANET,  AND WE HAVE TURNED ON EACH OTHER  SO COMPLETELY THAT THERE IS BUT ONE OUTCOME. That outcome will not be pretty nor will it be easy. In fact, I suspect that most, if not all of us, are about to go through the hardest times that any race may have ever been through at any time during our brief duration upon this small, spinning rock. That there is life anywhere in the dark reaches of space is a miracle of profound dimensions. We have taken this miracle, this gift from God, and we have shown Him how little we really value His most prized possessions. As that nefarious  date draws nearer, we are going to see things that astound us, things that baffle us, and age old mysteries will be explained. If you are not afraid of these times then I want to know your secret. Because never in the history of our species have we been so close to our Armeggedon. An Armeggedon that will shake an already EARTHTREMBLING!